Quick answer: because we CAN!
One of the things I see over and over again in family history is someone who has done the hard work of collecting, collating, scanning, citing, etc. but hasn't figured out how to get that work into the hands of someone else so they can enjoy it. Worse case scenario is that the person passes on and the work is passed down to people who aren't able to figure out what it all means and might even throw it away.
Hate it. Hard pass.
Turning our work into easy-to-read books gets it out of our heads, closets, and computers. It also finishes that cycle of actually passing down the information AND it often motivates us to dig even deeper into our family tree. Best part? It's literally easier than ever to make these pages. Like, never in history have we been able to do this. Your ancestors = couldn't do this. Their quills, ink, and parchment are so jealous of us right now.
I love Canva because it's fail-proof and user-friendly. Genealogy is hard enough without demanding someone becomes a graphic designer before sharing their work. Canva leads to professional-looking results with very little effort. So stop researching, start building pages, and pass that info on!